A clear definition of our own goals is important to make the work of the Association of Color Vision Deficient and Color-Blind (in German: IFFarb) effective and to reduce barriers in everyday life for people with color vision deficiencies and color-blindness. Therefore, the IFFarb has defined four main goals for itself.
The following goals are defined by the Association of Color Vision Impaired and Color-blind for itself:
Contact person and lobbyist for all color-blind and color vision deficient people
Experience exchange and assistance for color-blind and color vision deficient people
Communicate needs of color vision deficient and color-blind people to the general public
Develop more inclusive solutions for people with color vision deficiencies, color-blind people and people with normal color vision
Contact person and lobbyist for all color-blind and color vision impaired:
We want to provide contact for all affected people with color vision deficiency or color-blindness and to represent their interests.
Via the website farbsehschwaeche.de, via accounts in various social media and the conventional communication channels, those affected can get in touch with the IFFarb. Moreover, there is the possibility of participating in the association's work through membership. The association actively represents the interests of those affected in society, politics and business.
Experience exchange and assistance for color-blind and color vision impaired:
We want to give all color vision impaired and color-blind people the opportunity to exchange experiences and provide practical assistance.
Mainly via social networks, but also in regular meetings, there is the possibility to exchange information on these topics. Individual experience reports and possible solutions will be offered via farbsehschwaeche.de. The association will also report on its work via newsletters, social media or via farbsehschwaeche.de.
Communicate the needs of color vision impaired and color-blind people to the general public:
We would like to raise awareness of the needs of color vision deficient and color-blind people to the general public.
The association will develop training and information material to familiarize people with normal color vision with the needs of people with color vision deficiencies and color-blindness. This will include a description of the different color vision impairments, how they are inherited and visualize them using color vision deficiency simulations.
Develop more inclusive solutions for people with color vision deficiencies, color-blind people and people with normal color vision:
We would like to develop more inclusive solutions which will work for color vision deficient, color-blind and normal color sighted people.
The association is actively working on solutions or rules for solutions which work for color vision deficient and color-blind but also normal color sighted people. The work can either be done by the association itself or in an advisory role.